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New Services to Serve You

Wa are always looking for ways to better serve and educate patients about healthy lifestyles.  We have partnered with two companies we believe offer exceptional service and value to your health.  You may receive a call from one or both of these companies in the future.  They will never ask you for your Medicare or Social Security Number.  If a company does, please decline and contact our office.

Blood Pressure

Remote Patient Monitoring

A new way to get a better picture of overall health.

RPM was created to help providers care for their patients outside of the confines of a traditional office setting. Patients use connected devices at home – like heart monitors and blood pressure cuffs – that automatically upload their health data through the cellular network to their doctor. Many patients already take steps daily to help combat their chronic health issues, but Prevounce can make sure no one misses a measurement...literally.

Chronic Care Management

Manage Your Health:
Prevounce will monitor your chronic health conditions such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Failure, High Cholesterol and Obesity and offer education and assistance in order to help you manage your health

Couples Counseling
Hospital Corridors

Caring For You

Village MD helps Oliver Family Healthcare to meet quality standards in care by helping us follow up with patients, schedule patients for appointments at appropriate intervals, and schedule preventative care.  Village MD also assists us in finding community support programs, home healthcare, Rehab, and long term care arrangements.  They offer some counseling and a pharmacist to review your medications for interactions and best therapeutic choices.


5645 Lafayette Rd

Indianapolis, IN 46254

Phone:  317-387-3050

Fax:  317-295-7044


Monday -Friday:  8 am to 5 pm

Saturday:  8 am to Noon

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